We are all being formed spiritually.
We are all becoming something and what we are trusting in, worshipping, looking to for wisdom or basing our identity on forms us. Since our lives overflow from the inside out, the question is what or who are we being formed by and how do we participate in that process? The scriptures show us that a disciple is a person who is intentionally pursuing relationship with Jesus Christ; they have become his friend, but also his student. They are learning from Him how to live their life His way. They are being formed and transformed by Jesus, and the trajectory of their life is towards His likeness. This formation doesn’t happen by accident but as we choose friendship with Jesus, intentionally cultivating rhythms in our lives that keep us close to Him and able to receive all we need from Him.
We were never meant to experience life on our own.
From the youngest to the oldest we all have an inbuilt need to be present in community and to be fully known. We also have a desire to be part of a story that is larger than ourselves. Community is where we get to be part of God’s bigger story of redemption and hope and love, in a local context. To follow Jesus well requires others. We all need supported in our weaknesses, encouraged in our giftings and lovingly challenged and confronted by people who we know and trust. We need spaces where we can serve one another, take risks in safe environments and explore callings with those who know our stories. We all carry something of God’s presence and we, as a church, are not complete without everyone bringing their whole self in to community.
Formation and Community overflow and impact everything around us.
As individual followers of Jesus and as a church community we want to leave a Kingdom legacy in our families, in our city and throughout the world. We don’t want to simply exist for ourselves; instead we want our city to be a different place because Jesus has planted us here. We want to carry his presence and his life wherever we go and invite others to begin to follow him as we serve and love them in his name. We want to see those around us flourish, as we do family or serve the poor or seek the prosperity of our workplaces and our city or the hundreds of other things that make up our daily lives. We believe our life with Jesus should impact it all and we are expectant that our city, our wider Island and places all around the globe will be different because of the lives we live.