Guest Speaker: Seán Byrne
Guest Speakers
Seán is the lead pastor at Dublin Vineyard church together with his wife Debbie. In 1993, they set out, together with a small group, with a vision to partner with God to build a vibrant church that would make a difference in people’s lives and in Dublin. Together, with the leadership team, they provide direction and oversight to the church. Seán and Debbie are energised by seeing more and more people experience a life-changing friendship with Jesus and seeing more vibrant church communities started across Ireland. They have been married 23 years and are the proud parents of three great young people.
Luke: Breaking the Silence
Welcome home….today we are continuing with our sermon series on the Gospel of Luke. In chapter 11:14-28 we see Jesus confronting the works of the enemy, and teaching his disciples authority in the Kingdom of God. It’s also a passage that confronts those of us who are trying to live in the kingdom and follow Jesus. We can learn from him how to carry authority and resist the enemy’s influence in our lives and world.
This sermon was given by Harmony Smith.
Luke: The Posture of Prayer
Today we are back in Luke’s Gospel, continuing to focus in on Jesus words to us specifically about prayer. Jesus has given his followers a prayer to pray, and now he explains the posture of prayer he wants us to have. He invites them to come to God as a loving Father, who will give good things to his children. He tells them to come boldly, expecting good things, and he teaches them about persistence in prayer.
This sermon was given by Andy Smith.
Guest Speaker: David Ruis
Guest Speakers
David and his wife Anita are the National Directors for the Vineyard in Canada.
Luke: Being Transformed by the Prayer Jesus Gave Us: Part 2
Welcome to the Vineyard, we are so glad you are here. Today we are continuing with our sermon series on the Gospel of Luke, looking at the life of Jesus and what he might have to say to us. We are at the start of chapter 11, where Jesus teaches his friends how to pray. Over the next few Sundays we will be focusing in on prayer, learning from Jesus how to pray. Last week we worked through the first half of the Lord’s Prayer, and began to see how this prayer unites us as a community, roots us firmly in the Kingdom of God, and helps us grow our prayer life as we use it as a framework for regular prayer.
This sermon was given by Andy Smith.