15th April 2018

Luke: The Older Brother


Luke: The Older Brother

This week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Andy Smith takes us through Luke 15:11-32.

8th April 2018

Luke: The Younger Brother


Luke: The Younger Brother

This week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Gunther Storbeck takes us through Luke 15:11-32.

1st April 2018

Easter Sunday


Easter Sunday

Today we celebrate Jesus’ victory over death and rejoice in the certainty of our salvation! Join us as Andy Smith takes us through John 20.

30th March 2018

Good Friday


Good Friday

Tonight we remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the Cross. Join us as Andy Smith takes us through  John 18:1-11.

25th March 2018

Luke: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin


Luke: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin

This week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Cathay Burnside takes us through Luke 15:1-10.

18th March 2018

Luke: Fan or Follower


Luke: Fan or Follower

This week we are continuing our series in the book of Luke. Join us as Alan Carson takes us through Luke 14:25-35.

11th March 2018

Guest Speaker: Rachel Turner

Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers
Guest Speaker: Rachel Turner

Happy Mother’s Day. Today we have the privilege of hearing from Rachel Turner.

Rachel is passionate about children rooting themselves in God, experiencing and pursuing relationship with Him daily, growing in the Word, and living and ministering in the power of the Spirit. She loves investing in and equipping parents and carers in their role as the primary spiritual influencers in their children’s lives.

24th December 2017

Humility at Christmas

Special Services

Special Services
Special Services
Humility at Christmas

Happy Christmas! This morning we will be exploring what Christmas and the life of Jesus teaches us about humility. Humility is all over the Christmas story, and is key to encountering and knowing, loving, and serving God for a lifetime. The Christmas story shows us that Jesus comes humbly, and if we are honest, it is easy to miss him or even dismiss him. Today, even as we celebrate Christmas and all its joys, let us receive his invitation to come to him this Christmas, and receive his peace and mercy, salvation and hope.

This message was given by Andy Smith.

3rd December 2017

Luke: Don’t Worry This Christmas (Or Ever)


Luke: Don't Worry This Christmas (Or Ever)

Anxiety and worry are huge issues in our culture today, and always seem to increase around Christmas. Today we continue with our sermon series from the Gospel of Luke, and hear Jesus speak to us about worry, what we treasure, and his kingdom. This Advent is a time for expectation, and examining our lives as we prepare for the coming of Jesus, and gives us an opportunity to learn to receive his peace and presence and begin to live in his kingdom.

This message was given by Andy Smith.

28th November 2017

Luke: Greed


Luke: Greed

Good Morning! Today we continue with Luke’s Gospel, and find ourselves in chapter 12:13-21. In this passage Jesus is interrupted by a man who is in dispute about his inheritance, and who is also in bondage to greed. Jesus responds with a warning and parable about what happens when we live in a posture of lack and feel we have to fend for ourselves and turn to greed. He invites us to lean into a worldview of abundance, where we steward the life and possessions we have been given by God. As we are approaching the season of Advent approaches, Jesus is inviting us to expect his coming, and to evaluate our lives in light of that. This week is a wonderful opportunity to consider our lives, and what we are looking to for hope, and where we are putting our faith and trust.

This sermon was given by Andy Smith.

Everyone is welcome!

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