The Radical Middle: The Vineyard Person
Vineyard DistinctivesAs we continue our series on Vineyard Distinctives: The Radical Middle, And Smith talks to us about the “Vineyard Person”. A graphic representation of the elements and values that make up the Vineyard movement.
The Radical Middle: Come Holy Spirit
Vineyard DistinctivesThis week we kick off a mini series on Vineyard Distinctives. What makes us Vineyard? Today Andy Smith talks to us about the ancient phrase ‘Come Holy Spirit’ and how the Vineyard has pursued the presence of God.
In light of so much, what then shall we give?
Belfast City VineyardThis week Alan Carson talks about in light of the goodness of God, of how faithful He has been to us, of how just, merciful and kind He has been to us, what then will we will give? What then will we pour out to the culture around us? Can we love where we are?
Money – Giving as Worship & Worship as Giving
MoneyThis week Harmony Smith talks about the relationship between our giving and our worship, revelation of God and His goodness.
Money – Are You Content?
MoneyThis week Alan and Laurie Carson continue our series on money looking at Philippians 4:12 and asking the question, do you believe it’s possible to live with contentment in our finances?
Money – Ownership
MoneyThis week Gunther Storbeck talks to us from Matthew 25: 14-30 about finances. Highlighting that we are to posture ourselves like managers of the money we find ourselves with, rather than owners.
Money – Mammon?
MoneyAs we start our new series on money we look at where we place our trust, in money or in God? Join us as we start to unpack a healthy approach to our finances.
The Holy Spirit – Pentecost Sunday
The Holy SpiritThis Pentecost Sunday our mini-series on the Holy Spirit comes to an end with a focus on the empowering of the Holy Spirit for Kingdom impact.
Please note towards the end of the recording there are prolonged sections of silence as we wanted to include the ministry time for your listening. Feel free to take these moments and invite the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
The Holy Spirit – Baptism and Filling
The Holy SpiritWhat does the Vineyard believe about the Holy Spirit? What do we mean when we talk about baptism in the Holy Spirit? What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit acting in and through us?
This week Andy Smith continues our series on the Holy Spirit looking at the ‘filling’ of the Holy Spirit in us as believers.
The Holy Spirit – Preparing For Pentecost
The Holy SpiritThis week we start a new mini-series on the Holy Spirit. Join us as our senior pastor, Harmony Smith explores who the Holy Spirit is and how we can ‘prepare for His arrival’.