1 John 3: 11-24
1 John
Join us as Aidan McCartney delves into 1 John 3: 11-24, as part of our sermon series on 1 John.
Reasons to remain in Him
1 John
Join us as Jen Orr continues our series on 1 John, taking a look at 1 John 2: 28 – 3: 10.
2 Year Celebration
Belfast City Vineyard
Join us as we celebrate 2 years of being in our permanent home in Belfast. Andy Smith shares some of our journey and looks to the future of what we believe God has in store for BCV.
Who is Jesus Christ?
1 John
Join us as Peter O’Halloran continues our sermon series on 1 John, taking a look at 1 John 2: 15-27.
1 John 2: 1-6
1 John
Join us as Matthew Dick continues our sermon series on 1 John, taking a look at 1 John 2: 1-6.
God is Light
1 John
Join us as we continue our Letters that Change your life series, with Alan Carson taking a look at 1 John 1: 5-10.
Letters That Can Change Your Life: 1 John
1 John
Join us as Andy Smith introduces our new sermon series on 1 John.
Calling Begins In Prayer
Belfast City Vineyard
Join us as Jen Orr talks to us on prayer, as we kick off our week of prayer & fasting.