Formation, Community, Impact – Part 5

In this series we’ve been looking at being the church God wants us to be. Today we look at what it means to be a people with impact. What are the dreams God has placed on your heart?
Formation, Community, Impact – Part 4

Join us as we continue our series on formation, community and impact. This week we look at the act of intentional spiritual formation and what it means to “train” as opposed to “try” to be spiritually disciplined.
Formation, Community, Impact – Part 3

We are all being formed! Every day we make choices that will eventually form our habits and impact our identity. This week Andy Smith helps us to take a look at what we’re allowing to form our spiritual lives and asks the question, Who am I becoming?
Formation, Community, Impact – Part 2

This week we continue to look at what it means to be the church God has called us to be with a focus on community. We ask the questions… What is God’s view of community? How has Jesus modelled community to us? What are the benefits of community?
Formation, Community, Impact – Part 1

This month we are spending some time looking at being the church God has called us to be. Join us this week as we focus in on living out of Colossians 2:6.