It’s Not About Me

This week Sarah Crawford talks to us about the Kingdom of God as we continue our series through Mark.
Clean Out Your Ears

Join us as Alan Carson continues our series in Mark, looking at Mark 4: 1-20.
Mad, Bad or the Son of God?

This week Alan Carson continues our series in Mark by looking at who people say Jesus was.
The Crowds & The Twelve

Join us as Jen Orr looks at Mark 3: 7-19.
Healing On The Sabbath

This week Andy Smith continues our series in Mark looking at the story of Jesus healing on the sabbath.

Join us as Andy Smith looks at Mark 2: 18-22.
The King At The Table

Join us as Johnny looks at Mark 2: 13-17.
Who Is Jesus?

This week Pete O’Halloran continues our Mark series.
Where Does The Power Come From?

Join us this week, as Harmony looks at Mark 1: 29-45.
Authority, Power & Action

This week join us as Sarah Crawford continues our gospel of Mark series.