Foundations: An End And A Begining

Today we close our Ephesians series by reflecting on what we’ve learnt this season and looking forwards to the summer months and our new series.
Foundations: Ephesians 6: 5-30

This week Andy Smith continues our series on Ephesians as we look at the armour of God.
Foundations: Ephesians 6:5-9

In this sermon Andy Smith explores what the book of Ephesians as to say about slaves and masters. We look at the cultural context and how the lessons taught can be applied today in our own context.
Foundations: Ephesians 6:1-4

Join Andy Smith as we continue our series on Ephesians.
Foundations: A Radical and Beautiful Challenge – Part 2

This week Andy Smith shares the second part of our two part sermon on marriage and relationships from the book of Ephesians.
Foundations: A Radical and Beautiful Challenge – Part 1

This week, Andy Smith continues our series in Ephesians with the first of a two part talk on Marriage and relationship.
Foundations: Hunger and Habits – Walking in Wisdom

This week Harmony Smith takes us through Ephesians 5:15-20 as we continue our Foundations series.
Foundations: Things That “Don’t Belong” in Our Church

This week Alan Carson continues our Foundations series in Ephesians.
Foundations: Thriving Community

This morning we have the privilege of having Gunther Storbeck teaching to us from Ephesians 4: 25-5:2 as we continue our Foundations series.
Foundations: What Are You Learning?

As we continue our series in Ephesians Andy Smith guides us through Ephesians 4: 17-24.