What Next?

This week Johnny Gillespie looks at that period of time after Easter that the disciples would have found themselves in and asks the question on all their minds. What next?
One Year On: Thoughts one year into lockdown

Join us this week for a special service where we reflect on a whole year in lockdown and the things we’ve learnt and grown in during this time. Join Alan, Andy and Harmony as they explain heart heart behind our actions in this season and a little of what we hope for the future.
Lean In

As we start the lent season we are taking a break from our Ephesians series to hear from Katie Wilson.
Returning from Wilderness

As we start 2021 its worth while taking stock of the year that has passed and what we can learn from it for the year ahead. Andy Smith shares some thoughts on this with us.
The In Between Times

We’re in that strange time between Christmas and New Years. Harmony Smith has some thoughts for us as we transition into the new year.
Staying Together

In light of so much, what then shall we give?

This week Alan Carson talks about in light of the goodness of God, of how faithful He has been to us, of how just, merciful and kind He has been to us, what then will we will give? What then will we pour out to the culture around us? Can we love where we are?
Rooted and Grounded In Love

This week we look at what the bible says about being rooted and grounded in God’s love for us and the impact this can have in our lives as individuals and as a community. Join us as Andy Smith leads us through some steps to ensure we’re posturing ourselves to receive all that God has for us.
Hospitality: Do I Have Room?

For generations the early church was marked by it’s pursuit of radically ordinary hospitality. In a culture where many are unsure of who they are and where they are headed how do we once again become a place safety, sanctuary and embrace?