What if worship became a part of your every day life?
Many of us think of worship as something we do together on Sundays or in small groups. We love to gather together for sung worship, and yet we also recognise this season is an opportunity to build practices of worship in our homes.
We can worship with our families, on our own, or with the help of online tools and resources. Worship in our homes might look very different than worship at BCV on Sundays! But that’s ok, and we encourage you to go on a journey and let the Holy Spirit lead you into some new ways of encountering God.
Below you will find a number of stories and resources created specifically to help us engage with worship in our every day lives as followers of Jesus.
As we watch/read and apply what we’ve learnt we believe we’ll see our spiritual lives mature and relationship with Jesus deepen.
Weekly Teaching
Each week we teach on the spiritual practice bing highlighted.
In this talk Andy Smith teaches on worship as part of our Present series.
How to Worship at Home
We’re so used to thinking of worship as singing songs together on a Sunday morning, and yet it is so much more than that. In this season when we can’t gather and sing as we used to, but still want to go deeper in our worship of Jesus, we thought we’d ask a few folk from our BCV family what worship at home looks like for them. Whatever stage and season of life you find yourself in, we hope you’ll be inspired to explore some of their ideas.
Encountering God in Everyday Life
It can be easy to compartmentalise God, squeezing Him into boxes labelled “quiet time,” “church,” and “life group.” But the truth is that He is present with us everywhere we are and every moment of every day. In this short video, three of our BCV family talk about their experiences of learning to notice and encounter God “outside the box,” and the kind of worship that is both earthed in and inspiration for our everyday.
Whole-Self Worship
We are whole beings – mind, body, and spirit all designed to function best together as a unified entity, including when it comes to worship. Join Sarah as she talks about worshipping with our physical bodies through our breath, movement, and stillness.
The Hidden Place
Our time with God in the ‘hidden place’ is always a significant part of our spiritual growth. In this season of uncertainty and facing the unknown, we see the importance of this intimate time with God clearer than ever.
This song, written by Harmony Smith, Krissy Nordhoff & Mitch Wong highlights the security of knowing God’s presence, as well as the power of those encounters to shape and form us, so that we can respond to his call upon our lives.
How to Worship at Home Ideas Sheet
For many of us sung worship is a key component of our worship rhythms.
While we long for corporate sung worship again, we do believe this season is a fantastic opportunity for us to explore other ways to engage in worship.
This downloadable ideas sheet highlights seven ways in which we can engage in the spiritual practice of worship. With each one taking a slightly different approach, there will be something for everyone.