Do you know how to rest?
When God created the world, he worked for six days and then rested on the seventh day.
This rhythm of work and rest has existed from the beginning of time. What if we entered into God’s rhythm of rest and renewal?
What if we rested well, and set aside time to enjoy his good gifts to us?
This is what the Sabbath is all about. Below are some resources to help you discover what Sabbath looks like for you and your household.
The Resources
Weekly Teaching
What is Sabbath?
As well as being a gifted teacher, Dan Wilt is a trusted friend of BCV.
Dan has kindly shared part of his spiritual practices course with us looking at the topic of Sabbath.
In this video, Dan provides valuable insight on what the Sabbath is, as well as inspiring us to give it a try!
For more amazing resources from Dan check out his website at www.DanWilt.com
Preparing for Sabbath
Practicing the Sabbath requires some planning and preparation.
These questions are designed to help you discover what Sabbath could look like for you and your whole household.