Would you like to learn how to pray?
Prayer is simply a conversation with God and there are many ways to pray.
One of the joys of being human is that each of us has been created uniquely and so we might find that we connect better with some forms of prayer than others.
Some people like to walk and pray, others love to journal, some like to pray on their own and others prefer to pray with others.
It’s our hope the resources below will introduce you to new and different ways to engage with God in prayer, finding the method that connects with you best.
The Resources
Weekly Teaching
Maybe for you, prayer is as instinctive as breathing, and it’s an important part of your life. But for many of us the opposite may be true. We haven’t ever done much praying, or maybe we have tried, but its been a frustrating experience, or no one ever taught you how to do it.
In this short video Andy Smith talks us through a simple method or prayer.
Conversations on Intercession
In this video two of our Intercession team leaders, Laurie Carson and Jennifer Orr share their journey of growing in passion for prayer and overcoming obstacles.
Pray – Kids Song
Earlier this year Vineyard Worship released the amazing kids worship album, We Shine. One of the songs on that album is called Pray and we have a fantastic Family Time activity to go with it that you can download here.
Why not take a little time this week to work though it together?
How To Spend Time With Jesus
Many of us have never had anyone take us by the hand and teach us how to pray.
This resource is a step by step guide to building a life of encounter with God, one day at a time.
Through regular rhythms of prayer we can learn to allow the presence of God to soak through and influence every aspect of our lives.
Change takes time, so we must also be patient with ourselves in the process!