How are you processing the uncertainty of this season?
The Daily Examen is a spiritual practice that helps us prayerfully reflect on our daily lives. We become more self-aware and more aware of what God is doing in and around us.
Gratitude and confession, silence and celebration – all of these spiritual disciplines are woven into the Examen. A regular practice of the Daily Examen will equip us to be more present to ourselves and to others.
The Resources
Weekly Teaching
This week Alan talks to us about the discipline of confession. Revealing our true heart towards God and encountering his presence.
The Heart of it
In this video Dan Wilt (Vineyard USA) explains what the Daily Examen is and how we can apply it in our day to day lives. For more background and info on the examen check out Dan’s website here.
The Five Steps
Find a quite space and a few moments in your day to be led through the Examen by Dan Wilt.
In this video Dan takes us through each of the 5 steps.
Daily Examen Reference Card
We’ve created this small reference card for you to download highlighting the key aspects of each step in the examen.
Save it to your phone and use it through the day as a quick reference.
Daily Examen for Kids
Join us as Hannah Walsh (BCV) leads children and families through the Daily Examen. You can also download and print out the “Kids Examen Card” as a quick reference.