Please sign up any children to our kid's ministry here.

On a Sunday, we run two services throughout the morning, one at 9.30am and the other at 11.30am. These services are a duplicate of each other. We no longer need adults nor any of our kids to pre-register to any of our services. If you are an adult or an under 18, and want to attend either our 9.30am or 11.30am Sunday services, just turn up and we would love to see you! If you have a child, in primary school, just turn up and sign your child up in our kids foyer and bring them to the room leader at the sports hall (just in front of the kids sign in desk). If you have a pre-schooler, there is a kids sign in desk in the main foyer of the main sanctuary, where you can sign your child in. Pre-schoolers will be in for sung worship and head to their ministry rooms after sung worship. Please bring the label you will receive at the sign in desk with you to the ministry room. If you haven’t filled in a parental consent form, please fill one in by clicking here. Youth will head to their ministry room just after sung worship and do not need to be signed in.

Everyone is welcome!

What can you expect?