You are so welcome!
We just want to say you are so welcome to BCV. If this is your first time visiting us, either online or in-person, you are so so welcome!
New to Faith?
If you are new to faith and are wondering what do I do next, we have created some resources for you. Just click on the button below for some simply ideas of how to grow in your faith.
What to expect
We meet every Friday at 12noon in 39 North Street and every Sunday at 9.30am & 11.30am in 92-114 Cavehill Road. We also live stream our 11.30am service via our YouTube channel. However throughout the Summer, we will be meeting in our Cavehill venue on a Sunday morning at 10am only. Each service will contain worship, some announcements and teaching. Our 9.30am & 11.30am in-person service has kid’s ministry and youth ministry running alongside it. Our Summer 10am service will have kids and youth ministries running alongside this service. If you plan on attending our in-person service, can we ask that you sign your child up to Kid’s ministry (11-18 year olds in youth do not need to sign up)? This just allows us to know how many people to cater for and lets us know whether to expect any allergies/food intolerances. Prayer ministry is available at each of our services. You can view our online Sunday morning service or sign up to online prayer ministry via our weekly service page. This is a time where anyone can receive prayer or respond to what they’ve encountered.
Connect Card
If you want to find out more information about BCV or Jesus or simply want to connect with us further, why not fill in a connect card.
What about Kids & Youth?
We have full kids and youth programmes from babies through to 18. We hold kid’s ministry every week at 9.30am & 11.30am, running alongside our main service, in 92-114 Cavehill Road. Throughout the Summer, our kids and youth will be gathering from 10am on Sunday mornings, alongside our adults service. For more information on Kids & Youth click here.

We love our city and we hope you do too
One of the things we are committed to is partnering with God to impact our city.
We want to see Belfast flourishing and that means engaging with those who live here in lots of innovative and creative ways. We are specifically passionate about seeing God’s heart of mercy and justice lived out towards the marginalised and vulnerable in our communities. Much of what we do is expressed through our local charity, Storehouse (storehousebelfast.com) established in BCV in 2008. Storehouse provide emergency food, clothes and furniture to those in need across our city but much more than that we seek to see community established with the marginalised and dignity restored where poverty and injustice have stolen it away. We’d love to invite you to join with us in serving our city.