Welcome to BCV Online.
On this page you’ll be able to view our Sunday sermon broadcast. Over the Summer, we will be live-streaming our 10am Sunday morning service from our Cavehill venue on to YouTube. To view our services, click on the image below or search Belfast City Vineyard in YouTube.
Sunday Broadcast
BCV Kids & Youth
Our Kids & Youth ministries meet in-person at 10am in our church building on the Cavehill Road. All kids and youth will go out from the beginning. We would love to see you there.
At BCV we long to see every follower of Jesus equipped to lead themselves in spiritual formation, engage with authentic community and have an impact on the world. That’s why we have developed a number of resources that will help you on your journey with Jesus. To see these resources, please click here.
At BCV we believe giving is an act of worship to God. If you are a guest with us please feel no obligation to give, this is just how we keep the ministry of BCV going.
The most effective way for us to process giving is through direct debit, however, one-off gifts are very welcome also. You can donate through the link below.