We want to see children of all ages hungering and thirsting for more of God in their lives

Resources for Families

It is our desire to see all the children within our community learn more about who God is, and who He has uniquely created them to be.

We want to see them active in the life of our church and practicing Kingdom ministry wherever they go, having an impact on the world around them.

It’s our belief that parents are the primary discipleship influence in a child’s life and we are cheering you on. Over the years we have put some resources together that we feel could be helpful to families and we’d love to share them with you.

Weekly Kids Ministry

Check out our ‘Weekly Kids Ministry’ page for new stories, worship and much more each week.

Family Time

Our ‘Family Time’ resource is a way of exploring the Bible as a family through fun activities and thought-provoking questions. Each section takes a few verses of scripture or song and helps apply them to our everyday life.

Psalm 139

Study Psalm 139 as a family in eight sessions. You can download the whole pack here.

Psalm 139 – Resource Pack

We Shine

This resources is linked to the latest kids worship album from Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland.
Each session explores one of the songs and what we can learn about God.
You can download the resource pack and listen to the We Shine album on youtube.

We Shine – Resource Pack

The Life of our Church

As it is our desire to see BCV kids fully engage in the life of our church, we have put together some resources to help explain some of the aspects of what we do as followers of Jesus.


Communion can be a confusing thing to those who aren’t familiar with it. In this video, Katie explains what communion is and why we practice it today.

Thoughts for Parents

We know there are many unknowns in this season and one of the concerns of many families is the inability to meet as a church.
But do not worry, you have all you need to parent your children well. Here’s Katie our children’s pastor with some encouraging thoughts.

Everyone is welcome!

What can you expect?